আন্তর্জাতিক সমবায় দিবস জাতিসংঘ ঘোষিত একটি আন্তর্জাতিক দিবস। ১৯২৩ হতে অদ্যাবধি আইসিএ (ইন্টারন্যাশনাল কোঅপারেটিভ এ্যালায়েন্স)কর্তৃক প্রতি বছর জুলাই মাসের ১ম শনিবার আন্তর্জাতিক পরিসরে এ দিবস উদযাপিত হচ্ছে।জাতিসংঘ অর্থনৈতিক, সামাজিক ও সাংস্কৃতিক অঙ্গনে সমবায়ের ভূমিকাকে স্বীকৃতি দিয়ে প্রতিবছর জুলাই মাসের ১ম শনিবার এ দিবস পালন করে থাকে।
Weekday |
Date |
Year |
Name |
Message |
Saturday |
4 July |
2020 |
26th International Day of Cooperatives |
Cooperatives for Climate Action |
Saturday |
6 July |
2019 |
25th International Day of Cooperatives |
Saturday |
7 July |
2018 |
24th International Day of Cooperatives |
Sustainable consumption and production |
Saturday |
1 July |
2017 |
23rd International Day of Cooperatives |
Co-operatives ensure no-one is left behind |
Saturday |
2 July |
2016 |
22th International Day of Cooperatives |
Co-operatives: The power to act for a sustainable future |
Saturday |
4 July |
2015 |
21th International Day of Cooperatives |
Choose co-operative, choose equality |
Saturday |
5 July |
2014 |
20th International Day of Cooperatives |
Co-operative enterprises achieve sustainable development for all |
Saturday |
6 July |
2013 |
19th International Day of Cooperatives |
Co-operative enterprise remains strong in time of crisis |
Saturday |
7 July |
2012 |
18th International Day of Cooperatives |
Cooperative enterprises build a better world |
Saturday |
2 July |
2011 |
17th International Day of Cooperatives |
Youth, the future of co-operative enterprise |
Saturday |
3 July |
2010 |
16th International Day of Cooperatives |
Cooperative enterprise empowers women |
Saturday |
4 July |
2009 |
15th International Day of Cooperatives |
Driving Global Recovery through Cooperatives
Saturday |
5 July |
14th International Day of Cooperatives |
Confronting Climate Change through Cooperative Enterprise
Saturday |
7 July |
2007 |
13th International Day of Cooperatives |
Cooperative Values and Principles for Corporate Social Responsibility |
Saturday |
1 July |
2006 |
12th International Day of Cooperatives |
Peace-Building through Cooperatives
Saturday |
2 July |
2005 |
11th International Day of Cooperatives |
Microfinance is OUR business: Cooperating out of poverty |
Saturday |
3 July |
2004 |
10th International Day of Cooperatives |
Co-operatives for Fair Globalization: Creating Opportunities for All
Saturday |
5 July |
9th International Day of Cooperatives |
Co-operatives Make Development Happen!: The contribution of co-operatives to the United Nations Millennium Development Goals |
Saturday |
6 July |
8th International Day of Cooperatives |
Society and Co-operatives: Concern for Community |
Saturday |
7 July |
7th International Day of Cooperatives |
The Co-operative Advantage in the Third Millennium |
Saturday |
1 July |
6th International Day of Cooperatives |
Co-operatives and Employment Promotion |
Saturday |
3 July |
5th International Day of Cooperatives |
Public Policy and Co-operative Legislation |
Saturday |
4 July |
4th International Day of Cooperatives |
Cooperatives and the Globalization of the Economy |
Saturday |
5 July |
1997 |
3rd International Day of Cooperatives |
The Cooperative Contribution to World Food Security |
Saturday |
6 July |
1996 |
2nd International Day of Cooperatives |
Cooperative Enterprise: Empowerment for People-centred Sustainable Development |
Saturday |
1 July |
1995 |
1st International Day of Cooperatives |
The ICA Centennial and the Next 100 Years of International Cooperation |
পরিকল্পনা ও বাস্তবায়নে: মন্ত্রিপরিষদ বিভাগ, এটুআই, বিসিসি, ডিওআইসিটি ও বেসিস